Each year we look for a theme to wrap our heads around for the Cross Border Summit, and this year we are riding the wave we call
Synergize and Scale
What does this mean?
Synergize - finding the right people and the right tools to highlight your strengths and offset your weaknesses. No business owner, or person in general, is an expert in everything. We need to learn we have to find partners and allies who offset our weaknesses and allow us to focus on our strengths.

Scale - the second part of this theme is scale. Once we have the right partners in place and we have the systems and team doing the right skills - we can take business to the next level. This is the real value and wealth building phase.
Why did we pick this theme?
We feel in the Amazon FBA community there is an opportunity for consolidation. The market is maturing, the game is getting serious, and the easy times are behind us.
We need to team up with others in the industry.
But who to partner with, and how?
We are proud to announce one of our top sponsors for this year’s summit - Alpha Rock Capital. Those who follow the Global From Asia Ecommerce Gladiator series will see that it was acquired by Alpha Rock Capital over the summer of 2019.

To achieve the goal of the event’s theme: Synergize and Scale, the core team of Alpha Rock Capital will be attending, many their first time to China, to discuss more companies joining forces, more presence in China, and cross-market collaborations.
Marc Roca, CEO and President of Alpha Rock Capital is very excited to be part of this event.
“We are very interested to connect with the Chinese seller community, as we see a lot of synergy in what we are building and those in China. We hope to bridge this gap and provide opportunity to those in attendance.”Marc Roca
This was a chance to show the community, joining - or rolling up - a smaller independent Amazon FBA brand with a network of others will give synergies and scaling opportunity.
The supplier network, the logistics rolling up, the marketing efforts - all can be done from the same team and using the same tools. The return on capital can be so much greater.
And as the months and years go by, we see much more opportunity for others to do the same.
We will be showing strategies and thought processes on this to the attendees at the Cross Border Summit and the USA licensed holdings firm Alpha Rock Capital Holdings will be ready and able to make deals.
What kind of deals? Two really, and even a third
Deal Type 1 - investing in the holdings. You can join as an investor in the main parent company and have a piece of all the Amazon FBA businesses (as well as affiliate sites and other future investments). It is growing at a rapid pace with month rounds of investment and we suggest you take a close look at this early stage.
Deal Type 2 - selling your Amazon business to the holdings. As of writing this the holdings owns 8 brands and more are being added each week. You can sell your brand to Alpha Rock Capital and take cash or shares in the holdings - a great option if you believe in the rollup strategy and more brands and economies of scale make sense.
Deal Type 3 - joining Alpha Rock Capital. As we grow and take on more and more brands, we need good people on the team. Consider joining and working on making these Amazon brands even greater. With so much to do and new projects coming on every week, we promise you it won’t get boring!
Why in Guangzhou, China?
The last few years of Cross Border Summit has been in Shenzhen, China, and this year we have listened to the audience and our partners and moved it to Guangzhou, China.
Our local organizing partner, Mark Ramos, has been working on having Cross Border Summit host in Guangzhou for quite some time.
“The community in Guangzhou, combined with the global attendees for the Canton Fair, will make this the most exciting CBS event to date”.Mark Ramos
Not meant for newbies
This event is not meant for newbies - if you are not yet already selling on Amazon or at least have ecommerce experience selling products on an online platform, you may get lost in the discussions. The Cross Border Summit event is bringing international experts from around the globe to discuss today’s latest tips and tactics for standing out.
As the event has developed over the years, so has the skill level of the attendees.
“Each year we see amazing attendees in the audience doing six, seven, even eight figures. They come to network, but they are also looking for that one new “hack” or tactic in their sales strategy that will give them the next breakthrough in their business”Mike Michelini, host of Global From Asia and also the originator of this summit
Making cross-border business deals
We hope this theme is interesting for you at this year’s Cross Border Summit. Meet the founding partners of Alpha Rock Capital and “bring your best deal”.
This is what Cross Border Summit is all about - making deals - making cross-border business deals and growing global opportunities.
So, if you’re serious about taking your e-commerce skills to the next level, and want to rub shoulders with sellers, experts, and investors from around the world - Cross Border Summit 2019 is the event to be.
See you there, in Guangzhou, China, Oct 22-23, 2019.
Be there, or be square!